This is also the most expensive and time-consuming type of mac and cheese to prepare. Plus, once prep is done, there are still hours to wait before it reaches prime cheesy goodness.
But today, that's what I wanted. I decided at 3 p.m., had the ingredients in the crock pot by 5 p.m., and was enjoying delicious mac and cheese by 8 p.m.
What's the point of me telling you all this, other than to make you hungry?
Well, I could have settled for Easy Mac (no prep, minimal cook time).
I could have even gone for Annie's Shells and Aged Cheddar (minimal prep, moderate cook time).
But those just aren't what I wanted. I was craving the wholesome heartiness of homemade.
Sure, if I'd settled, I'd probably still be happy; it's pretty hard not to be when you're eating mac and cheese. But I wouldn't be as happy. And I certainly wouldn't feel as satisfied.
That mac and cheese didn't just fall in my lap, though. (Ouch!) I had to do three things to achieve my maximum melted moment.
1. I had to take action.
Once I decided I wanted it, there were several steps I had to take before I could enjoy any mac and cheese. Daydreaming about it was fun, but I couldn't eat my thoughts, and even if I could, they probably wouldn't have tasted like mac and cheese.
2. I had to make sacrifices.
I had to give up hard earned money for ingredients and my time and energy to prepare them. I live on a budget and had a lot of things to do today, so this wasn't the easiest decision to make.
3. I had to wait.
It was torturous waiting to eat as the smell filled my house and tantalized my empty stomach, but undercooked mac and cheese soup just isn't as appetizing.
The point is, the things we want the most in life often require more of us than the things we could choose to settle for. This may make it tempting to go for the easy option, but real fulfillment comes from going after the things we truly want, even if we have to wait to get them.
I don't always want homemade mac and cheese, but when I do, I won't settle for less.
So go ahead and start making yours. 'Cause you're definitely not eating mine.
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